The Global Division Tuition and Tech Needs Online Tutoring Frequently Asked Questions
Admissions - How to apply
The first step in the Admissions process is to reach out to Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, Bob Lane, to discuss the details of the Global Division to make sure that this is the right fit for your child. We will direct you to the next steps in the process which will include completing an enrollment packet containing the online application and the following items:
- The complete report of a current Psycho-educational Evaluation (the testing may not be more than 2 years old).
- Report cards, attendance records, and standardized testing from the current and previous year.
- Student Strengths and Needs Profile completed by the current Reading/English teacher and the current Math/Science teacher .
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 if applicable.
- Non-refundable $100 fee
For more information:

Bryan Riha
- Academic Coordinator