Lab Junior Earns Eagle Scout Rank

The best sleep people can have, it seems, is when — during a day, a year, or a lifetime — they work hard, do their best, plan and prepare, and consider the needs of others along with their own.

At the end of this month, when all the paperwork is finalized, Zach Blumenfeld ’22 will accompany several others in his troop at a ceremony to be sworn in as an Eagle Scout. And no doubt, he will — and has been — sleeping well.

Zach Blumenfeld_Eagle Scout

Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank of the Boy Scouts of America has been earned by more than 2.5-million young men (and now women). The honorable leadership rank is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America Program.  Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

Zach was not thrilled at the thought of joining the Boy Scouts. “I was in sixth or seventh grade at the time, a bit later entering the Scouts than most, but I didn’t have that many extra-curriculars going on at the time and my mom basically forced me,” he laughs. “I am so grateful to her! Being in the Boy Scouts and working my way up to Eagle has been one of the best things I have done in my life so far.”

Zach Blumenfeld_Eagle Scout

To reach Eagle rank, a scout must earn 21 badges, 15 of those pertaining to the Eagle rank. Badges include gaining knowledge and developing skills in areas such first aid, citizenship in the community and in the world, family life, and in more specified areas like pottery and kayaking.

For his final Eagle project, Zach refurbished Lab’s wetlands walkway. After several months of planning, researching the science around wetlands drainage and design with the help of High School Science Teacher Jonathan Alexis, and getting donated bricks, gravel, and gravel dust from Tri-state Stone (the owner of which is an Eagle Scout himself and very supportive of the Scouts), Zach rallied a group of Scouts, Lab friends, and supportive adults (like Mr. Alexis) to help with the actual work, which was completed over a weekend in late March. “We redug the walkway and raised it, then enforced it with bricks on the side, and gravel and gravel dust on the path itself before relaying the flagstones,” Zach explains. “The hope is that when it rains, it will no longer flood, and that more people will choose to walk on it and use the area for study without having to worry about the weather.”

The rank of Eagle Scout is no small feat. It entails a great deal of work, dedication, and grit. “I am proud of myself for sticking to it. I enjoyed everything that has led me to Eagle, and think I am a better person because of it,” he says. “I don’t think I would have the leadership, presentation, and life skills I have now without having gone through the process. I’m glad my mom talked me into it!”

Congratulations, Zach Blumenfeld! You have certainly given Lab a wonderful gift.