The Lab School Celebrates World Dyslexia Day

Today, October 8, is World Dyslexia Day. The day is part of a global initiative to shed light on dyslexia and the millions of people that it affects around the world.

World Dyslexia Day was created for the purpose of spreading an understanding of the dyslexic brain and why difficulties with learning to read should not brand a student “stupid” or “lazy”. Unrelated to intelligence, dyslexia causes people to have trouble matching the sounds of letters with what they see on the page. In fact, the differences in people with dyslexia’s brains often lead them to be highly creative and unique thinkers; at Lab, these differences are a superpower!

The Lab School of Washington and its curriculum are specifically designed for students with these language-based learning differences. The magic of Lab is that we teach our students in ways that make sense with how their brains are wired to learn - students learn by doing. Using immersive roleplaying and arts integration in the classroom lets students in our Academic Clubs engage with history or science without relying on a textbook.

students at art table with teacher dressed like renaissance lady

A non-text-based approach to education can give a student a new opportunity for success. “I’ll always be so grateful that Lab has taken my son from a barely passing student to a successful one,” notes one Lab parent. “He’s become a good student, a good friend and a kind young man.” Authentic learning experiences, arts-based programs, and a structured, phonologically based approach all create an environment where our students can thrive.

This year, The Lab School of Washington became one of the founding members of a new independent school organization: the Association of LD Schools (ALDS). This association was created to connect and support schools that specialize in education for students with learning differences such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and executive dysfunction. As a pioneer in the field of learning differences education, The Lab School is proud to be a part of a community that makes an impact for all students with learning differences.


All of October is Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness month, so let this be a time to destigmatize and raise awareness about the realities of dyslexia. It’s estimated that dyslexia affects between 10 - 20% of the population, and as awareness grows, we can get rid of prejudices and make the world more understanding of people who learn differently.  The Lab School of Washington was founded to create a safe and nurturing place to teach children with language-based learning differences in ways that work most effectively for how they learn.